Keeping Maddie Safe - All Rise Season 3 Episode 10

Emily protects Maddie when Leo and Brandon nation storms the Hall of Justice.

Under Attack - All Rise

While under attack from Brandon Nation, Luke hurries to assist.

Girls Night Out - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Emily and Sara enjoy a girls night out at the strip club to gather evidence.

Helping Mark - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Emily agrees to help Mark find a witness for his case.

Resentments Explode - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Robin explodes with all the resentments about their marriage.

Trouble in Paradaise - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Lola is angry when she feels Robin betrayed Mark.

Sherri's Family Saga - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Sherri tries to keep her family secrets hidden from Lola.

A Heartbreaking Case - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Teddy and Mark learn that one of the girls was sexually assaulted and drugged.

Lola in the Middle - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Lola is torn between Mark and Robin in the smash-and-grab case.

Mark vs. Robin - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

The DA's office goes up against the FBI in the smash-and-grab case.

Looking for the Witness - All Rise Season 3 Episode 9

Mark and Emily try to convince a witness to testify for them.

Emily's Help

Emily may have a witness that can help Mark's case.

All Rise Quotes

Sherri: Your honor?
Lola: This is a big moment for me. I just want to be present for it.

Mark: Your honor? Your Honor? Lola? I know you're up here. Why does it always have to be the top floor?
Lola: Because I don't want anyone to find me.
Mark: I told you to be sphinx-like.
Lola: I can't talk about my case.
Mark: It's okay. Lots of other people are.
Lola: Thanks a lot.
Mark: The sphinx has survived for 4500 years by silently staring down the enemy and then asking the right questions.
Lola: She wasn't dealing with LAPD and... I can't talk about it. It's just that... up on that bench, in this thing, everything is different. And that detective, I need to make a difference, but I can't tell if this is the battle, or this is the war.
Mark: What can I do?
Lola: Visit me at traffic court in Palmdale.
Mark: Never gonna happen.