Happy Quentin Lance

Papa Lance is looking very happy to have his family together on "Time of Death."

Oliver at the Lance Family Dinner

Should Oliver have gone to the Lance family dinner? We'll find out on "Time of Death."

Laurel Listens to Sara

Laurel is listening intently, and looking slightly angry, as Sara talks at a family dinner on "Time of Death."

Dinah Lance is Happy

Dinah Lance is happy to have her whole family back together again. From the episode "Time of Death"

Ready to Strike

Look out, Oliver! This is a photo from the Arrow episode "Heir to the Demon."

Why is Nyssa al Ghul Here?

Nyssa al Ghul comes to town to convince Canary to come back to the League of Assassins? Will she be sussessful?

Can Arrow Save Laurel?

Can Arrow help save Laurel as she continues down her downward spiral on "Heir of the Demon"

Nyssa of Ghul

Nyssa of Ghul comes to town to convince Canary to leave Starling City on Arrow.

Sara Considers Leaving

Sara considers leaving Starling City because staying may put her family in danger on Arrow. Will she region the League of Assassins.

How Far Will Nyssa Go?

How far will Nyssa go to convince Canary to leave Starling City on Arrow?

Nyssa and Canary

Nyssa al Ghul gets Canary to come with her while Arrow looks on in "Heir of the Demon"

League of Assassins

Can Arrow take on a member of the League of Assassins in order to get Sara to stay and help Laurel?

Arrow Season 2 Quotes

God, um, you... You're really sweaty.


Oliver: If we're gonna do this, it has to be about Tommy. I need to be the man he hoped I could be. Now you two have helped me take the first step.
Felicity: So what's step two? I'm game for anything as long as it doesn't involve skydiving, and I'm pretty down on landmines now, too.
Oliver: The city still needs saving, but not by The Hood. Not by some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something more.
Diggle: It needs a hero, Oliver.
Felicity: It's too bad The Hoods kind of ruined your nickname.
Oliver: No, it's good. I don't want to be called The Hood anymore.
Diggle: Okay. So what do you want to be called?