A Lost College Student - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Oliver looks like a lost college student standing here chatting with Anatoly. Of course, we know that's not true, but how else can we account for the terrible bag and hideous hairstyle? No other way. No other way.

Anatoly - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Everybody is really excited to see Anatoly. He's not only a friend from the Ivo, but Sara encountered him again when he was a child while time traveling. Hello old friend!

Flashing Back!! - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Say hello to Viktor. Nope, I have no idea who he is. But he's a Russian with a gun, and that's about as much as we need to know to make this photo work. Oliver Queen and his terrible hairstyle are in trouble.

Alone - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

This is kind of sad. Everyone wanted a show that focused on Green Arrow only, but look a the guy. He has no backup. He used to be surrounded by a team and look all kinds of forceful. Now he looks like a lone wolf. Sad smiley face here.

Green Arrow in Action Season 5 Episode 1

Oliver barely has any time to think at all about the dwindling size of Team Arrow. Do you think he ever gets a moment's rest? Dang. He's mayoring, arrowing and soon will be flashing back. The guy will need some rest.

Speaking of Thugs - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Say hello to Tobias Church. He's a Star City Gangster. While archers aren't terrorizing the place, it does seem to have a tad too many gangsters. Church is played by The Walking Dead favorite Chad Coleman. Welcome Chad!! Is this why Oliver needs to hire Human Target?

The Mayor is a Thug! - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Oh, this would not look good in the daily paper! Well, maybe it could be spun to say Mayor Oliver Queen assists Team Arrow in taking down the baddies, but something about his stance just looks really bad. AMIRIGHT??

The Mayor Looks Silly - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Maybe Mayor Oliver Queen didn't get the message, but he probably shouldn't be out with Team Arrow when they're in the field. Word on the street is Speedy will not be staying in the suit for long, wishing instead for a normal life. In the normal life, she will run Oliver's Mayoral office!

All Archers Look the Same - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

There was a Prometheus in DC Comics lore, but apparently this is NOT the same Prometheus, but a new one created specifically for the show. Why they didn't use a different name to avoid confusion only creates more confusion, so we won't think about it.

Nice Suit - Arrow Season 5 Episode 1

Prometheus has a very interesting suit. I wouldn't want to fall forward onto him. Looks jagged and like it would hurt. Of course, he'd probably not allow you to get that close. Because, arrows.

Prometheus - Arrow

Prometheus is the new bad guy in town. Have you noticed that Star City attracts archers like Central City attracts speedsters? Handy how they never find their way elsewhere, right?

Arrow Season 5 Quotes

Oliver:I found the bomb.
Felicity: No, no, no. That’s no “A” bomb. That’s, one, two, three, four bombs.

Thea: You realize you just accused the police department of being corrupt, at the police department gala?
Oliver: I answered a question.
Thea: And you just put blame on the police department instead of taking responsibility for the city’s crimes.
Oliver: You know I’m taking responsibility.
Thea: Yes – the other guy, but as the mayor, it looks like you’re sleepwalking. Okay?