Cold Reality - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Buffy likes a vampires. Willow dated an online demon. Xander liked an insect teacher. Their love lives are seriously messed up.

Willow's Crush - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Willow has a crush on the mysterious boy Malcolm. Buffy is worried Malcolm may not be who he says he is. This spells trouble for the BFFs.

Moloch's Book - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Moloch has lived for decades hiding away in the book after being trapped by the monks. However, he has found a way to be freed.

Goodbye Note - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Buffy has seen plenty of death before, but she wasn't prepared to find a "suicide" in the computer lab.

Cleansing The Internet - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Moloch is causing havoc on the internet. Giles needs Ms. Calendar's help to rid the web of this dangerous enemy.

The Robot - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Moloch (or "Malcolm") has a new form and he's ready to take over the world. But what danger will he cause as a robot now?

Jenny Calendar - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

Sunnydale High's computer lab teacher, and resident techno pagan, is joining the Scoobies to help rid the internet of a malevolent force. And she's ready to give Giles a hard time.

Dave - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

The Sunnydale High computer lab is filled with a few obsessed tech fans, including Dave. He's hiding a few secrets with his friend Fritz.

Moloch, The Corruptor - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8

The Monster of the Week is an all-powerful demon who loves to build a following. Moloch is heading to Sunnydale, but he's heading online.

Love Online - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow has started a relationship with a new boy Malcolm. The only problem is, however, she's never met him in person. He's an anoymous person online.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Xander: I mean, sure, he says he's a high school student, but I can say I'm a high school student.
Buffy: You are.
Xander: Okay, but I can also say that I'm an elderly Dutch woman. Get me? I mean, who's to say I'm not if I'm in the elderly Dutch chat room?
Buffy: I get your point. I get your point! Oh, this guy could be anybody. He could be weird, or crazy, or old or...he could be a circus freak. He's probably a circus freak!
Xander: Yeah, I mean, we read about it all the time. You know, people meet on the net, they talk, they get together, have dinner, a show. Horrible ax murder.
Buffy: murdered by a circus freak. Okay...okay, what do we do? What are we doing? Xander! You get me started. We’re totally overreacting.
Xander: But that’s fun, isn’t it?

Willow: His name is Malcolm Black. He’s 18, lives in Elmwood, which is about 80 miles from here, and he likes me.
Buffy: Short? Tall? Skinny? Fat?
Willow: Why does everything have to be about looks?
Buffy: Not everything, but some stuff is. I mean, what if you guys get really really intense and then you find out that he...has...a hairy back?!
Willow: Well, no. He doesn’t talk like somebody who would have a hairy back. And anyway, that stuff doesn’t matter when you really care about each other. Maybe I’m not his ideal either?
Buffy: Hey, I’m just trying to make sure that he’s good enough for you. I think it’s great you met someone.