He Was Evil - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 12

Halstead has history with Intelligence's latest suspect, but will he let his personal feelings affect the case?

A Technicality - Chicago PD

The Intelligence Unit struggles to put a criminal released on a technicality back behind bars on Chicago PD. "Outrage" is the 12th episode of the show's sixth season.

Not Fatal - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 11

Atwater was shot while working a case, but the injury wasn't fatal. After a tricky surgery, he was back on his feet.

Tough Love - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 11

When Burgess notices Antonio takes pills from a suspect, she demands he turn them over. It's her way of ensuring he doesn't relapse.

Voice of Reason - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 11

When Voight wants to go after Kelton, Halstead convinces him that they need to build up their arsenal if they want to go after someone that dangerous.

Long Game - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 11

Halstead urges Voight to calm down to prevent him from making a scene and exposing Kelton's shady campaign. He reminds him this is going to be a "long game."

Reconsidering their decision - tall - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 11

Intelligence reconsiders the decision to back the current pro-police mayoral candidate on Chicago PD. "Trust" is the 11th episode of the show's sixth season.

Reconsidering Their Decision - Chicago PD

Intelligence reconsiders the decision to back the current pro-police mayoral candidate on Chicago PD. "Trust" is the 11th episode of the show's sixth season.

Don't Let Him Do This - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 10

After Ruzek becomes involved in an officer-related incident, Upton realizes she has real feelings for him despite their "hook-up" agreement.

Bro-Code - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 10

Just six months after Olinsky's death, Voight is dealing with another situation that involves bro-code. But as he told Ruzek, this type of loyalty comes with a price.

Notion of Loyalty - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 10

Upton tries to talk Ruzek out of making the biggest mistake of his life and ruining his career and reputation but he's adamant about helping his squad.

What's Going On? - Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 10

When neither Antonio or Ruzek show up to work, the rest of Intelligence has a lot of questions. Will Voight tell them the truth about what happened?

Chicago PD Season 6 Quotes

Wait, so is this business or is this some sicko serial killer out here just trying to kill people with dope instead of bullets?


You are benched until further notice.
