Imani Abanda In Court - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Kofi's sister, Imani Abanda, at the inquiry into Kofi's death.

Kenia Abanda in Court - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Kofi's mother Kenia Abanda at the inquiry into Kofi's death.

Det. McAvoy at Kofi's Inquiry - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Detective Donovan McAvoy arrived late to Kofi's inquiry.

Detective Kim Taylor Takes The Stand - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Detective Kim Taylor testifies at Kofi's inquiry to explain Use-of Force Training.

McAvoy Hug Mama Kenia - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

McAvoy hugs Kofi Abanda's mother, Mama Kenia, whom he knows from his childhood.

Jenny Cooper At The Inquiry - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Jenny is not satisfied with the evidence at Kofi's inquiry.

Scott Deveaux At The Inquiry - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Scott Deveaux, the cop who shot Kofi, stands in court while waiting for a verdict on the inquiry into the Kofi case.

Coroner Jenny Cooper Presiding Season 1 Episode 6

Jenny presides over the inquiry into multiple cases, starting with the Kofi case.

Pete Bell Takes The Stand - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Pete Bell, one of the two cops on the scene, takes the stand at the inquiry for the Kofi case.

The Abandas Are Upset - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Kofi Abanda's mother gets upset in court and speaks out when she thinks the cop is lying.

McAvoy Investigates Kofi's Death - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

McAvoy goes to meet Z-Ro, Kofi's recording producer, to pay his respects and to get some answers about his death.

Z-Ro Meets McAvoy - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6

Imani and Kofi Abanda's recording producer Z-Ro meets Detective Donovan McAvoy by the outdoor memorial to Kofi.

Coroner Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Kim: Detective Kim Taylor, Toronto Homicide Division. Aside from my duties as an investigator, I also teach Use-of-Force Training at the academy.
Leigh Mark: Could you please describe this for our jury?
Kim: Certainly. It's the process of learning when and where lethal force may be applied. Regulation 926. Subsection 9 of the Police Services Act states that a member of the police force shall not draw, point, or discharge their firearm, unless he or she believes, on reasonable grounds, that to do so is necessary to protect against loss of life or bodily harm.
Leigh Marks: And would that apply in this case?
Kim: Unfortunately, yes. In the event of an EDP, emotionally disturbed person, they're not always able to comply, which leads to escalation if officers are confronted with violence.
Jenny: And in this Use-of-Force Training, are Officers taught to de-escalate?
Kim: Of curse, it's part of the training, but it's not always practical in the field.
Jenny: In your opinion, could this incident have seen a different outcome.
Kim: Having reviewed the evidence and the statements from the officers involved, a different outcome was very unlikely.

Alison: It's normal to be nervous,
Jenny: No, I'm not ... I'm not nervous.
Alison: Sure you are. Nobody likes their first inquest. It's a huge responsibility. You're basically saying, these people died, and I'll make it nevr happen again.