Jenny Visualizes Crime Scene - Coroner Season 1 Episode 6
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Jenny presides over her first inquest. Each of the cases concerns an emotionally disturbed person (EDT) whose encounter with police resulted in death. The jury must decide for each case if the death was accidental, natural, suicide, homicide, or undetermined death.

McAvoy is pulled over for running a red light on the way to the inquest.

Crown Counsel is Leigh Marks. Rory Durham represents the Toronto Police Association.

Case #1: The shooting death of Kofi Abanda.

Witness Detective Kim Taylor testifies. She teaches Use-of-Force training and says EDPs are not always able to comply which leads to escalation if officers are confronted with violence. Officers are taught to de-escalate in training but it isn't always practical in the field and wasn't in this case according to Kim.

Peter Bell is the second witness. His partner Scott Deveaux is the one who shot Kofi. They thought he was reaching for a weapon, but it was a trumpet.

Kofi's family gets upset and McAvoy calms them down.

McAvoy knows Kofi's family from his childhood. Kofi's sister, Ms. Abanda, is mad at him for not helping more. He claims it was a conflict of interest. McAvoy hears tracks Kofi laid down and recorded on his phone the night he died. He hears two men talking, using the name Bivvy. This refers to former officer Seth Fuller. 

Deveaux's story doesn't check out with the body report. Jenny postpones the trial. The Abandas sit in for action.

McAvoy gets Fuller to admit that Kofi was peaceful and demands he come to court. Jenny discovers anti-depressants in Kofi's urine, which could cause a false-positive PCP test.

Officers threaten McAvoy outside his home. Fuller claims he was drunk when he talked to McAvoy. McAvoy threatens Deveaux.

Jenny finds confetti discharge in heart, proving they tased after shooting.

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Coroner Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Kim: Detective Kim Taylor, Toronto Homicide Division. Aside from my duties as an investigator, I also teach Use-of-Force Training at the academy.
Leigh Mark: Could you please describe this for our jury?
Kim: Certainly. It's the process of learning when and where lethal force may be applied. Regulation 926. Subsection 9 of the Police Services Act states that a member of the police force shall not draw, point, or discharge their firearm, unless he or she believes, on reasonable grounds, that to do so is necessary to protect against loss of life or bodily harm.
Leigh Marks: And would that apply in this case?
Kim: Unfortunately, yes. In the event of an EDP, emotionally disturbed person, they're not always able to comply, which leads to escalation if officers are confronted with violence.
Jenny: And in this Use-of-Force Training, are Officers taught to de-escalate?
Kim: Of curse, it's part of the training, but it's not always practical in the field.
Jenny: In your opinion, could this incident have seen a different outcome.
Kim: Having reviewed the evidence and the statements from the officers involved, a different outcome was very unlikely.

Alison: It's normal to be nervous,
Jenny: No, I'm not ... I'm not nervous.
Alison: Sure you are. Nobody likes their first inquest. It's a huge responsibility. You're basically saying, these people died, and I'll make it nevr happen again.