Jules and the Alligator

When Jules tries to spend a little time by herself an alligator comes to join her. She has no choice but to grab Andy to help her.

Grayson Serenades Jules

Who knew Grayson was so talented at the guitar and singing? He uses the guitar throughout the episode to play funny songs.

Cougar Town BBQ

Everyone in the cast of Cougar Town ends up attending Jules' initially secret BBQ. Come on, it's barbecue Saturday!

Bobby Instructs Jules

To look like he's still married to Jules for a bet, Bobby gets behind Jules to give her a little golf lesson if you know what we mean.

Barb Leans In

We're never sure where Barb, the ninja / real estate agent comes from when she always swoops in to give some unwanted advice.

Josh Embraces Jules

Josh gives Jules a loving embrace after he chugs her beer for her in a game of beer pong. She takes it as a sign of love and decides to dump him.

Grayson Breaks the Record

Grayson celebrates as he breaks the course record, crushing Bobby's self esteem on last night's episode of Cougar Town.

Jules Takes Out The Trash

Jules tries to look hot for Grayson by taking out the trash in a dress. Very practical.

Travis and Bobby Bond

Travis and Bobby figure out how to bond... by Travis making his father do stupid stuff like putting a hose in his mouth for ten seconds.

Jules Likes Grayson

Jules tells Grayson she thinks they're both attractive but he doesn't reciprocate the compliment.

The Girls Watch the Tape

The girls sit down to watch Jules and Bobby's old sex tape from when they were nineteen. Hot stuff.

The Ladies at Brunch

Jules, Ellie and Laurie do brunch over at Grayson's bar and seem to very much be enjoying their mimosas as they discuss such important things as Jules getting ready for sex.

Cougar Town Season 1 Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.