Nuclear Security - Elementary

Watson and Holmes are pulled into the world of nuclear security on Elementary. "Give Me the Finger" is the sixth episode of the show's sixth season.

Plan Unveiled - Elementary Season 6 Episode 5

Michael's plan is to protect Sherlock's sobriety by having him hunt for a missing woman, that Michael killed.

Seeking Answers - Elementary Season 6 Episode 5

Joan pressures the director of a tissue bank to find out his connection to contaminated skin samples.

Finally in the Loop - Elementary Season 6 Episode 5

Marcus and Captain Gregson finally learned about Sherlock's post-concussion syndrome.

Looking for Clues - Elementary Season 6 Episode 4

Sherlock examines a listening device found in the office of a dead psychiatrist.

Sister Time - Elementary Season 6 Episode 4

Joan and Lin talk about what Joan learned from her former therapist's notes.

Under Glass - Elementary Season 6 Episode 4

Sherlock tries a Victorian-era sensory-deprivation chamber to battle his headaches.

A Severed Head - Elementary

Holmes finds himself with a severed head and no memory of how he got it on Elementary. "Bits and Pieces" is the fifth episode of the show's sixth season.

A Life Changing Decision - Elementary

Watson considers making a life changing decision on Elementary. "Our Time is Up" is the fourth episode of the show's sixth season.

New Buddy - Elementary Season 6 Episode 3

Michael, Sherlock's new AA friend, offers him advice at a coffee shop.

Self-Medicating - Elementary Season 6 Episode 3

Sherlock wears a 1930s welding mask to protect himself from glare.

Interrogating a Suspect - Elementary Season 6 Episode 3

Marcus and Joan interrogate the murder victim's daughter at the commune where she lives.

Elementary Season 6 Quotes

My mother's ghost recently set a room on fire, so I've been doing most of my thinking elsewhere.

Sherlock [to Hawes]

Dr. Hawes: We've talked about this. You don't get to go on the ride until it's your turn.
Sherlock: When it's my turn, I won't really get the full experience.
Dr. Hawes: You want the full experience? Stay there. I'll get my scalpel.