Nuclear Crisis - Elementary Season 6 Episode 2

Captain Gregson has to make tough choices during a bomb threat.

Making Connections - Elementary Season 6 Episode 2

Marcus and Sherlock check out a stolen, radioactive delivery van that was used to transport plutonium.

Helping Her Partner - Elementary Season 6 Episode 1

Joan promises Sherlock she will support him during his medical crisis.

Family Tragedy - Elementary Season 6 Episode 2

Joan has to figure out how she feels about the death of her estranged father.

Making Friends - Elementary Season 6 Episode 1

Michael explains to Sherlock that Sherlock had inspired him to kick his own addiction.

Visitor to the Morgue - Elementary Season 6 Episode 1

Sherlock hangs out with his thoughts at the morgue while waiting for medical-test results.

Revolutionary War Reenactment - Elementary

Holmes and Watson investigate a murder at a Revolutionary War reenactment on Elementary. "Pushing Buttons" is the third episode of the show's sixth season.

Different Reactions - Elementary

Watson and her sister, Lin, have different reactions when their biological father dies on Elementary. "Once You've Ruled Out God" is the second episode of the show's sixth season.

Medical Diagnosis - Elementary

Sherlock is worried about a medical diagnosis that could affect his sobriety on Elementary. "An Infinite Capacity for Taking Pains" is the first episode of the show's sixth season.

Elementary Season 6 Quotes

My mother's ghost recently set a room on fire, so I've been doing most of my thinking elsewhere.

Sherlock [to Hawes]

Dr. Hawes: We've talked about this. You don't get to go on the ride until it's your turn.
Sherlock: When it's my turn, I won't really get the full experience.
Dr. Hawes: You want the full experience? Stay there. I'll get my scalpel.