Olivia, Shocked

There's a reason Olivia has this look on her face. For the firs time, she meets Lloyd Simcoe, the man her vision claims she'll fall in love with.

Lloyd Simcoe and Son

Is this Olivia's future lover? She flashed forward and saw herself with this man, Lloyd Simcoe, seen here with his ailing son.

Demetri and Mark

Demetri and Mark are friends and partners at the FBI. They ponder a strategical move in this episode still.

Stan Wedeck Pic

Stan Wedeck is in charge of the FBI team that investigates the world's universal blackouts. He gives an order here.

Seth MacFarlane in FlashForward

It's unclear why Seth MacFarlane stars as a FBI agent. But he returns in episode two of FlashForward.

Mark, in Charge

Mark is the man in charge of determining the cause of the world's flash forwards. That's not an easy task.

FlashForward Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Olivia: This man means nothing to me.
Mark: For now.

Olivia: I am never gonna be unfaithful to you, Mark.
Mark: We don't know what "never" means anymore.