More? - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

It never ends for poor Jim Gordon. He should have listened to Lee and left Gotham, but we all have our crosses to bear.

To the lab - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Dear Professor Strange: Instead of waking up Fish Mooney, can you please bring back Jerome?

The real Mr. Freeze - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Dr. Fries looks a little forlorn. Is he afraid his body-snatching spree will be cut short?

The madman contemplates - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Professor Strange looks rather amused at whoever has his attention at the moment. Is he bragging about his awesome tie knot?

Evil Personified - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Professor Strange seems like one incredibly intense guy. Look at that awesome Eldredge tie knot he has. I wonder if he did it himself?

Professor Strange - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Professor Hugo Strange has arrived. What sorts of evil does he have in store for Gotham? Hopefully a lot more than Galavan did.

Are you kidding me? - Gotham Season 2 Episode 12

Penguin looks horrified to be going into a cell. He must be boiling over with rage!

Bruce Is Kidnapped - Gotham

Bruce is kidnapped and Gordan must make some unexpected alliances to save him on the season finale of Gotham. "Rise of the Villains: Worse Than a Crime" is the 11th episode of the show's second season.

Tracking a Suspect - Gotham

Gordon tracks a suspect connected to Galavan on Gotham. "Rise of the Villains: The Son of Gotham" is the tenth episode of the show's second season.

A Hitman - Gotham

Gordan comes face to face with a hitman on Gotham. "Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Making a Deal - Gotham

Galavan wants to make a deal with Bruce Wayne on Gotham. "Rise of the Villains: Tonight's the Night" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Penguin and His Crew - Gotham

Penguin and his crew are taken to the warehouse where Gertrude is being held on Gotham. "Rise of the Villains: Mommy's Little Monster" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.

Gotham Quotes

You have been very useful, and us arrogant physicians have much to learn from a madman like you. But not much.

Professor Strange

Ed: Barbara, do you even remember how amazing you were?
Barbara: I'm still amazing. I just made a choice.