Taking Out the Trash

If anyone can look good doing that, it's Patrick Dempsey ...

Speed Racer

Patrick Dempsey is awesome. Whether he's on Grey's Anatomy or racing cars on the side, we always love news and photos of the man.

Season 5 TV Guide Scan #5

Season Five of Grey's Anatomy is right around the corner and TV Guide has us covered with an amazing article. Here's a scan of part of it!

Kate Walsh Photograph

A great photo of the amazing Kate Walsh. Hopefully she will return to Grey's Anatomy for at least another cameo!

Season 5 TV Guide Scan #4

From TV Guide comes a scan of an article promoting the fifth season premiere of Grey's Anatomy! We seriously cannot wait!

Season 5 TV Guide Scan #3

Straight from the pages of TV Guide, this scan is courtesy of the TV magazine's preview of the fall season. Get psyched for the Season 5 premiere of Grey's Anatomy!

Season 5 TV Guide Scan #2

Another scan from August 2008, straight from the pages of TV Guide's preview of the fall season. Get psyched for some Grey's Anatomy - now in its 5th season, which seems hard to believe!

Season 5 TV Guide Scan #1

A scan from August 2008, straight from the pages of TV Guide's preview of the fall season. Get psyched for some Grey's Anatomy!

Season Five Poster!

An awesome poster for Season Five starring Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey). Live in the moment, indeed.

The Great Dane

Eric Dane, that is. The Grey's Anatomy star sure is a handsome devil.

An Ellen Smile

Ellen Pompeo of Grey's Anatomy is seen here in August 2008, in Seattle of all places, attending a fundraiser for Barack Obama. We love Ellen!

Riding that Bike

Sometimes, when you're Patrick Dempsey, you have to go for a bike ride. And when you're Grey's Anatomy Insider, you have to blog about it.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
