Tickled Pink - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Is Meredith actually giggling right now? When has she ever been a giggler? The press conference must be going quite well.

Team Richard - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

The hospital may change, and people may come and go, but Richard will always be the chief...even when he's not.

(Not) Platonic Touching - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Meredith and Riggs finally made a breakthrough in their relationship and Riggs can't quite keep his hands to himself. Will Maggie be the only one who notices?

Chatting It Up - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Catherine and Owen are a pair that we never get to see interact very much. They have a bit in common.

All Press Is Good Press - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

A press conference might put GSM back on the map. There's no such thing as bad press.

Rebellious Sister - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Amelia is the rebellious sister of the bunch. She has finally returned to work and seems to have gathered herself together, but can she fix her relationship with Owen?

Say What? - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

The Gossip King of GSM might be getting some new scoop. Will he be sharing it with his wife?

All Smiles - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Meredith looks genuinely happy. Does Nathan have something to do with that?

Undivided Attention - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

The press conference being held has Catherine's undivided attention. Anything that makes the hospital look good is right up her alley.

Work Wife - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 21

Can Richard's work wife, Bailey, convince him to make amends with his real wife, Catherine?

Jerk on a Plane - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 20

This guy gave Meredith a hard time, even asking her for juice in the middle of a crisis!

Barf Bag - Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Episode 20

Meredith hands an unruly passenger a barf bag to assist with his anxiety and breathing.

Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Quotes

April: Her name is Harriet.
Catherine: Harriet?
April: Um-hmm
Catherine: Oh, I like it. Tubman.
April: Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book.

Richard: You drank too much. You screwed up, and now everything is crashing down around you.
Jo: Just go.
Richard: Well you came to the right guy because I have done it more than you ever will, and I can tell you from experience, with a little coffee and sunlight, the troubles will get smaller and the world will keep standing. I promise.