Can You Hear Me Now?

Addison just can't get any reception out here!

Just a Tad Awkward

Finding out your lover is married? Not a lot of fun.

What's That In the Background?

Seriously, let us know if you can figure it out, because we have no clue.

Der-Mer Love

Just beneath the surface. At all times.

A Love-Hate Relationship

That's what their marriage looks like at times.

Trying Their Best

It's not always easy for Derek and Addison, but they try to get along.

So What's With the Hat?

Come on, Addison. You can do better!

How's My Hair?

Seriously, he must wonder that sometimes.

I Got Us Coffees!

Addison tries to win Derek back. With coffee.

Fish Out of Water

That's how we would describe George's hunting getup.

George & His Father

Two generations of O'Malleys going hunting on Turkey Day.

O'Malley!! O'Malley!!!!

George shares a rare smile with his siblings.

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

IZZIE: "You want us to make her seize? How do we make someone have a seizure?"
DEREK: "Get creative. Do some research."
GEORGE: "Well, if all the normal methods have failed then what are we supposed to do-"
DEREK: "Use a strobe light. Get her drunk. Hang her up upside down from the ceiling and hit her with a wiffle ball bat, for all I care. Just make her seize. 'Cause until she seizes, I don't know when to operate, and if I don't know when to operate, I can't get this woman out of my life. And this woman is not how I like to start my mornings."

CRISTINA: "I am a 55 year old man. I'm nauseous and I can't stop throwing up."
ALEX: "Forget it, alright. I didn't ask for anybody's help."
CRISTINA: "Look, evil spawn, you can nurse your pride -- the key word being nurse -- or you can pass your test and be a doctor. Up to you."
ALEX: [pauses] "Any abdominal pain?"
CRISTINA: "Yes, from my giant fat belly all the way to my back. Oh, and I'm drunk. Hiccup. Hiccup."