Restful Sleep

Riggs chooses the most unusual and unhygenic places to nap. Scorsese is not amused.

Roger the Hostage

An ATF agent who has gotten himself into some trouble holds Roger at gunpoint.

Ruthie Says Goodbye

Ruthie is a monad, so she never planned on staying around forever. Riggs will miss her though.

Murtaugh Bickering

Trish and Roger are still at odds and everyone is dragged into it.

The Big Deal - Lethal Weapon

Trish's job is on the line when she must close a big deal at work on Lethal Weapon. "The Odd Couple" is the 17th episode of the show's second season.

The Buy Back Robbery - Lethal Weapon

The team investigates when the city's gun buy back program is robbed on Lethal Weapon. "Ruthless" is the 16th episode of the show's second season.

Trading Dispositions

Riggs feels off because of his sobriety and Roger feels alive because he's taking risks.

Cahill Slaps Riggs

But no worries, he didn't do anything wrong this time. It was at his request.

Roger's Risky Behavior

Roger goes a bit haywire on a case, channeling his inner Daredevil.

In a Tizzy - Lethal Weapon

Both Murtaugh and Riggs end up in a tizzy for difference reasons on Lethal Weapon. "An Inconvenient Ruth" is the 15th episode of the show's second season.

The Team Together - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 14

Riggs and Murtaugh witness Bailey question her sister about the murder.

Checking In - Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 14

Riggs and Murtaugh check in with Avery about the case.

Lethal Weapon Quotes

Hello, bad guys, I brought some gifts.


Hey, Murtaugh. Be safe out there.
