Mehcad Brooks Promo Pic

Mehcad Brooks pops his collar and poses like TK in this Necessary Roughness promotional photo.

Orlando Jones on Necessary Roughness

Orlando Jones is seen here on Necessary Roughness. He plaus Lazarus "Laz" Rollins.

Shirtless Matt

Not bad, Matt. That character goes topless in this scene with Laura.

TK and Dani

Come on, TK. Dani gives her favorite/least favorite client one of those looks in this photo.

Smiling TK

TK looks especially happy in this photo, doesn't he? It's courtesy of the Necesary Roughness episode "Poker Face."

Dani with Matt

Dani sits here with Matt. Don't you wanna just see these two date on Necessary Roughness?!?

With a New Client

Dani chats with her latest client here. He's a racecar driver played by Matt Barr.

Dani and a Client

Dani Santino is a busy woman at work. Here, on the second episode, she works with a newsanchor.

Marc Blucas as Matthew

How can anyone resist this look from Matthew? Dani can't do it on the Necessary Roughness pilot.

Dani and Matthew

Dani instantly hits it off with Matthew on the premiere of Necessary Roughness. They soon find themselves as co-workers.

Necessary Roughness Cast Pic

The main cast of Necessary Roughness poses here: Marc Blucas, Callie Thorne, Scott Cohen and Mehcad Brooks.

Necessary Roughness Set Shot

The New York Hawks are a fictional football team. But Necessary Roughness is making them seem as real as can be.

Necessary Roughness Quotes

When you are making a living as a hooker, then you can dig this out of storage.


No matter who you are, no matter how much protective gear you wear, at some point you're gonna get the living crap kicked out of you.
