Kiss in a Costume

Get out of the way, Ben. Man! April has to lay a kiss on her costumed man!
Rating: Unrated

The End of Days!

Is the end of the world truly upon us? This Pawnee citizen believes so.
Rating: Unrated

Failed Radio Appearance

Ben and Leslie appeared on a radio show during the episode "Media Blitz." It did not go well.
Rating: Unrated

Chris and Leslie

Come see the tiniest park in the state! That is Leslie's pitch on the aptly titled "Smallest Park."
Rating: Unrated

Finding Tom's Replacement

Ron Swanson attempted to hire a replacement for Tom on the latest episode of Parks and Recreation, "The Treaty."
Rating: Unrated

Something to Tell Chris

Leslie and Ben approach Chris in this scene from Parks and Recreation. How will he react to their relationship?
Rating: Unrated

Tom and Leslie Judge

Tom and Leslie judge the Miss Pawnee beauty competition and the two of them have very different opinions in who should win.
Rating: Unrated

April and Leslie

April and Leslie square off in this scene from Parks and Recreation. It's from the episode "Comeback Kid."
Rating: Unrated

Tammy and Ron in Jail

Yes, this is a photo of Tammy and Ron in jail. And, yes, those are cornrows on Ron's head.
Rating: Unrated

Inside the Capsule

Tom wants to place a photo of his ex-girlfriend inside the Pawnee time capsule. That's because she's totally crazy!
Rating: Unrated

Tom Bowls

Strike? Tom sends one down the lane here as Leslie tries to earn some local support.
Rating: Unrated

Andy Dwyer Pic

A picture of Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer, the hilarious bum that dated Ann and is now content being a shoe shiner.
Rating: Unrated

Parks & Rec Quotes

Leslie: I know you're not gay.
Tom: No, I'm not.
Leslie: But you're effeminate.
Tom: What?
Leslie: Well, you're wearing a peach shirt with a coiled snake on it.
Tom: That's because it was featured in Details magazine, and it's awesome.

Look, Tammy and I don't work. We are oil and water. Or oil and TNT and C4 and a detonator and a butane torch.
