Back In The Game - Pretty Little Liars

Is Spencer getting some intel on what's happening from her mother?
Rating: Unrated

Prison Buddies - Pretty Little Liars

Alison looks unamused by whatever story Alison is telling her.
Rating: Unrated

Dirty Laundry - Pretty Little Liars

Could Ali be spilling some secrets we don't know of?
Rating: Unrated

What? - Pretty Little Liars

Alison is looking annoyed with Hanna. Is that a change?
Rating: Unrated

Sneaking Around - Pretty Little Liars

Alison Dilaurentis sneaking around? That must be a first.
Rating: Unrated

Catch - Pretty Little Liars

Is Ali throwing Hanna some orange to go along with them lies?
Rating: Unrated

Bad Judge - Pretty Little Liars

Alison's trial begins. Will she reign supreme and walk out a free liar?
Rating: Unrated

Hey Dad - Pretty Little Liars

Alison looks awkwardly at her father. Does he think she's innoccent?
Rating: Unrated

MonA Returns - Pretty Little Liars

Alison is shown a picture of Mona, who she allegedly killed.
Rating: Unrated

The Iron Fist of Justice - Pretty Little Liars

Alison appears to be being backed up by her fellow liars.
Rating: Unrated

Look At It - Pretty Little Liars

Is Alison really being forced to look at the picture?
Rating: Unrated

Brought Together? - Pretty Little Liars

Is Ali's dad and brother back to being friends, or is it all for show?
Rating: Unrated

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
