Jenna...Blind or Not?

It's like a game show. Will we ever believe Jenna is blind even if she claims her sight has gone again?

Mona's Army in Waiting

Is Mona's Army waiting for Lucas to say something profound in this photo from "Miss Me x 100"?

Lucas Trying To Look Cool

Let's be honest, no matter how hard he tries, Lucas will never be cool.

The New Core Couples of PLL???

These seem like couples that hold weight. Are they the new core couples of PLL? Find out in "Miss Me x 100."

The Liars Unite

As the school buzzes with word of Ali's return, the Liars unite for a pow wow in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

A Get Well Card

Who is Mona wishing well? Mrs. D. is dead. Maybe an odd welcome home to Alison. Find out in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Mona Tells a Tale

Mona is always telling tales, and no doubt she's telling a great on in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Why Would I Sign This?

Hanna doesn't seem impressed with Mona's attempt to be a good girl in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Aria Doesn't Look Happy

What on earth are Mona and Aria talking about? Find out in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Lovely, Scheming Mona

Mona's Army is gathering forces. Meanwhile, she talks with Aria in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Emily With Sydney Driscoll

Sydney is a new gal in Emily's life first appearing in "Surfing the Aftershocks."

Chloe Bridges as Sydney Driscoll

Bridges joins Pretty Little Liars as a new swim team gal and potential love for Emily.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
