Will at Home

Will sits at home and looks around his apartment in this scene from episode three. The man has a lot to contemplate.

Will Travers Photo

Will Travers has a huge mystery to solve. It involves the death of his mentor and late father-in-law.

Rubicon Pilot Pic

Will David take on his late father-in-law's job? That's the question posed to him in the pilot episode of Rubicon.

Will Travers Picture

James Badge Dale stars on Rubicon as the main character of Will Travers. This man stumbles upon a major conspiracy in the AMC drama.

Rubicon Season 1 Quotes

Lauren: Why is Will Travers so mopey?
Miles: He's not mopey, it's just introspective.
Lauren: He walks around like his favorite cat just died.
Miles: Try wife and child. Try 9/11.

The biggest joke is that our business is to tell people what to think - and the truth is, I have no idea what to think anymore.
