Kev Looks After the Kids - Shameless Season 11 Episode 9

Kev looks into looking after the kids in the bar, but what goes wrong?

Ch-Ch-Changes - Shameless

The Gallagher house is in a state of disarray as everyone gets ready to leave.

A New Development - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Frank is falling apart after everything that's happening in the house.

Frank in the Alibi - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Frank is struggling following his dementia diagnosis.

Packing Up - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

V's mother is gearing up to leave the South Side for good.

Lip and Brad Argue - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Lip and Brad argue outside the police station as the heat is turned up.

Tami Looks for Brad - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Tami looks for Brad when it becomes clear the police are out for him.

Kev Makes a Plan - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Kev makes a plan to try to help V when her mother announces she's exiting.

At the Hospital - Shameless

Frank is in the hospital and the family sets out to get answers.

What Happened to Frank? - Shameless Season 11 Episode 7

Frank is dying, but he doesn't know how to get home.

Stolen Bikes - Shameless Season 11 Episode 7

Kev is working with the bad guys, but at what cost?

Sammi Looks on - Shameless Season 11 Episode 7

Sammi hates fighting with Debbie, but how far will they go?

Shameless Season 11 Quotes

Are you hot, lesbian, convict lady? Would, you, um, like to buy some cookies, hot lesbian convict lady?

Debbie's Girlfriend

This is our Chicago and we're gonna enjoy every fucking minute of it.
