Newfound Fame - Shameless

Ian may not know how to handle his newfound fame on Shameless. "Church of Gay Jesus" is the tenth episode of the show's eighth season.

Svetlana's New Path - Shameless Season 8 Episode 9

Svetlana came to America with a dream, but will she achieve it?

Hurricane Frank - Shameless Season 8 Episode 9

Frank is back to his old ways, and that's not a good thing.

Fiona Smiles - Shameless Season 8 Episode 9

Fiona has a lot to smile for on Shameless Season 8 Episode 9.

Fitting In - Shameless

Fiona tries to fit in with Ford's friends on Shameless. "The Fugees" is the ninth episode of the show's eighth season.

Frank's New Job - Shameless Season 8 Episode 8

Frank has a new job, and it's not the most legal of jobs.

A Happy Moment - Shameless Season 8 Episode 8

Fiona is ready to make nice with Nessa's girlfriend.

Lip Is Moving On - Shameless Season 8 Episode 8

Lip is ready to move on with his life, but what is going on?

Fiona's New Friend - Shameless

Fiona has a new man in her life, but is he relationship material?

Lip Visits Someone - Shameless Season 8 Episode 7

Who is Lip visiting in jail? Could someone from the past be returning?

Frank's New Job Plan - Shameless Season 8 Episode 7

Frank has a plan to change things up for men of his age who cannot get a job.

Fiona and Ian at War - Shameless Season 8 Episode 7

Fiona and Ian are still at war over what happened with the building.

Shameless Season 8 Quotes

Frank: It came out great, Carl.
Ian: Where the hell have you been?
Frank: Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and now I'm a new man.

Veronica: So, no more Tinder?
Fiona: No, V. I'm done with it. No more pointless sex bent over a dirty sink in a club bathroom, scraping my ass on a rusty ally dumpster with my underwear scraped around my ankles.