Does Mike Know What to Do? - Stranger Things

Will turns to Mike when he feels like the villain is taking over him.

Will is in Trouble - Stranger Things

Will shows his mother and Hopper that he is not crazy.

Eleven Is Back - Stranger Things

Eleven wants to make her way to the outside world.

Bob and Joyce - Stranger Things

Joyce is ready for her man to shut up about Halloween.

MADMAX - Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 1

Max is in the building, but what is her plan for the boys?

Will's Appointment - Stranger Things

Will finds himself being put through the mill to find out what is happening.

A New Arrival - Stranger Things

A new girl is in town, but what secret does she hold?

Will Finds a Note - Stranger Things

Will is shocked to find a note in his locker, but who is it from?

They're Back! - Stranger Things

The group is back together on Stranger Things Season 2.

Stranger Things Quotes

Nancy: What the hell are you doing?
Mike: I'll pay you back!

Dusty: Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch! Another stupid penny.
Mother: Dusty! Watch it, you almost hit Mews.