Friends - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Lena may be a Luthor, but Kara trusts her, and the two have formed a formidable friendship. Hopefully it's a lasting one!

Whispers - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Mon-El and Kara look to be discussing something they don't want Lena and Jack to hear. Is it Supergirl related, or are they sharing concerns about Lena and her ex?

Double Date - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

It looks like a double date between Kara and Mon-El and Lena and Jack. Dinner with the ex can be awkward, so Lena has enlisted reinforcements.

Mon-El Meets Jack - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Kara's current boyfriend meets Lena's ex. Will they have anything in common or will it be awkward?

Intrigued - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Kara and Lena look very interested in Jack's presentation. It's hard to tell if they are impressed or concerned. Kara looks pretty skeptical.

Interrupting? - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Is Kara interrupting Snapper's question? That might not be the best way to get her job back, but hopefully she's making an excellent point. Whatever's going on, it's making everyone stare at them.

Reporter Again - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Is Kara vying to get her job back? Snapper is in attendance at the conference as well, so it would appear to be the perfect opportunity to show off her skills.

Demonstration - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Jack appears to be giving a demonstration of his fancy new nano-technology that can supposedly eradicate all disease. What could possibly go wrong?

Looking Dapper - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Wow, we need to get Rahul out of the lab coat he wears on iZombie more often! He looks fantastic in that suit!

Playing Along - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

It's hard to tell if Lena's actually happy to see her ex again, or if she's just playing the part. She looks gorgeous as always, but that smile could easily be fake.

Lena's Backup - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

Kara serves as moral support when Lena's ex arrives in National City for a conference.

Rahul Kohli Guest Stars - Supergirl Season 2 Episode 18

iZombie's Ravi (Rahul Kohli) takes a break from the morgue to guest star as Lena's sexy ex-boyfriend.

Supergirl Season 2 Quotes

Kara: It's only been twelve hours since you asked me to choose a new position, and most of those hours I was asleep.
Cat: Really? I offer you the keys to the kingdom and you just go to sleep?
Kara: It was night time.

Kara: Wait, wait, wait, wait...this has always been here, with the glass and the views, and you made me fly to that cave everyday?
J'onn: The DEO has several facilities, Kara.
Kara: A bat bit me in the last one.