From The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester

Dean gets involved with Bobby during the episode "The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester." Strange developments occur from there.

Dangerous Poker

There's a dangerous game of poker played on the episode "The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester." Dean gets involved in it.

Pleasure to Meet You

Sam shakes the hand of a special kid during this scene from Supernatural. He can make fairy tales into reality.

Supernatural Scene

Dean and Sam disagree over a child that can turn fairy tales into reality. This is a shot from "I Believe the Children Are Our Future."

Jimmy Malloy

This boy can make fairly tales come true. Castiel wants to kill him for it.

Paris, Supernatural

Paris Hilton is seen here during her cameo on Supernatural. A zombie takes the form of this socialite.

Paris Hilton on Supernatural

Yes, Paris Hilton really does guest star on an episode of Supernatural. The installment is titled "Fallen Idol."

Sam and Dean Photo

Sam and Dean run into their worst enemy yet on the episode "Fallen Idol." Paris Hilton guest stars!

In The End

During the episode "The End," Dean Winchester sees the future. It's one that Lucifer's influence is all over.

Making a Run for It

Why is Dean on the run? Because the future he's a part of during the episode "The End" is downright scary.

Dean, Down the Line

Armed, Dean takes to the street in this scene from "The End." This is a key episode, as the character gets a glimpse of an awful future.

Future Glimpse

What the Hell?!? Dean is thinking that, literally, during the episode titled "The End." He gets a glimpse of what Lucifer has done in the future.

Supernatural Season 5 Quotes

Dean: Where's Cass?
Chuck: He's dead. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry.
Dean: You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something.
Chuck: Oh, no. He exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup.

Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.