Trapped - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 15

Monroe and her hunters surround the Sheriff's station, leaving Scott, his pack, the Sheriff, and a bunch of deputies trapped inside. They need a plan, and they need one fast.
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Outnumbered - Teen Wolf

Lian and Theo come up with a plan when they are outnumbered on Teen Wolf. "Triggers" is the 16th episode of the show's sixth season.
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Outnumbered - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 16

When Liam and Theo are outnumbered, they come up with a plan on Teen Wolf. "Triggers" is the 16th episode of the show's sixth season.
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Concern - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 16

While out on a mission with Scott, Malia, and Argent, Lydia begins to worry that maybe this isn't the best idea.
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Fighting Back - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 16

Scott's done reacting to Gerard and the hunter's latest attack. He's ready to go on the offensive and strike first.
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Scalia - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 16

Scott and Malia have been growing closer for a while now, which has made our hearts happy. It looks like these two have found love in a time of war.
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All Hands on Deck - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 16

With Gerard's army only growing stronger and bigger by the minute, Scott needs all the help he can get.
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Looking For Scott - Teen Wolf

A couple of guys come looking for Scott on Teen Wolf. "Werewolves of London" is the 17th episode of the show's sixth season.
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The Waiting Game - Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 17

After the shooting, Scott waits in the hospital to learn if his mother is going to pull through. After this, Scott's done playing it safe when it comes to Gerard. It's time for war.
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Searching for the Anuke-Ite

Scott and Liam team up to try to uncover the anuke-ite's other face on Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 18.
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Anuke-Ite Battle Training

Scott and Malia need to come up with a way to fight the anuke-ite without looking at it, which will not be an easy task.
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Relying on Pack

When it matters most, your pack will be there for you. Derek returns to Beacon Hills to help Scott and the others stop Gerard and the anuke-ite.
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Teen Wolf Quotes

I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I'm not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until...I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We're here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.


Malia: Alright. I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?
Kira: [raising hand] Uh, I'd like to know, too.
Stiles: Well, we were at her funeral, so I'd like to know how she got out from a casket buried six feet under ground.