Gabriel Makes a Friend - The 100 Season 6 Episode 8

Gabriel and Diyoza bond as she is about to realize his real identity after all this time spent together.

Gabriel as Xavier - The 100 Season 6 Episode 3

Gabriel meets Octavia as Xavier for the first time, knocking her out and taking her hostage with his people.

Gabriel vs. Russell - The 100 Season 6 Episode 12

Gabriel and Russell face off for the first time after a feud between them broke up Sanctum into pieces.

Gabriel Opening Up - The 100 Season 6 Episode 10

Gabriel sharing with Josephine how he feels before she is removed from Clarke's mind for good.

Gabriel and Bellamy (and Clarke) - The 100 Season 6 Episode 11

Gabriel and Bellamy (and Clarke) prove that some TV relationships are worth waiting for on an episode of The 100.

Raven and Zeke Spending Time Together - The 100

Raven and Zeke find time to share a heated moment with one another during an episode of The 100.

Raven's Confidence - The 100 Season 6 Episode 3

Raven talks to Ryker about how she can do anything, at the beginning of their introduction to one another in Sanctum.

Raven and Zeke Quality Time - The 100 Season 6 Episode 1

Raven and Zeke find some rare time to spend with one another, with their relationship blossoming along the way.

Clarke and Raven Together - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Clarke and Raven come together after they both lose Abby, trying to find peace with one another again.

Raven and Emori - The 100 Season 6 Episode 6

Raven and Emori come together in Sanctum and have to adjust to their new normal, especially with practices like the mind drive.

Raven and Clarke about Shaw - The 100 Season 6 Episode 2

Raven and Clarke take about Zeke after she finds his grave during her arrival to Sanctum.

Raven and Abby Speak - The 100 Season 6 Episode 12

Raven and Abby speak to one another and try to figure out their relationship with one another.

The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.