Face Off – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Roan grants Clarke a private meeting. But will she be able to reason with him?

Clarke's Choice – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

As seen in the promo for "The Tinder Box," Clarke has a decision to make between saving Bellamy and Kane, and taking Roan out. What will she choose?

Clarke's in Charge – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

With Abby away at Becca's lab and Kane being held hostage, Clarke is naturally in the position of being the Skaikru leader to negotiate with Roan and his army.

Former Allies – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Though Roan worked well alongside both Kane and Bellamy in the past, he's turned on both fairly quickly. There seems no doubt now that he'd execute both at a moment's notice.

Bellamy and Kane – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Roan (and his army) didn't come to Arkadia alone. They brought along two very valuable Skaikru hostages.

Echo – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Echo never trusted the Sky People (or Clarke), so it's easy to imagine that she was thrilled at finally being able to convince Roan to turn on them.

Roan – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Roan was committed to maintaining peace with Clarke and her people, at least until the discovery that Alpha Station was being fortified – and could only sustain 100 people.

Echo and Roan – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Echo and Roan, side by side, are commanding the Ice Nation army as it marches on Arkadia.

Ready to Attack – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Clearly, Ice Nation is ready to attack at a moment's notice, on Roan's command. The hatred for Skaikru is real.

The Ice Nation Army – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

The Azgeda warriors are all decked out in their best war paint, looking particularly menacing.

Roan's Army – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

Roan brought what appears to be the entire army of Azgeda with him to confront Clarke and the Sky People.

Clarke – The 100 Season 4 Episode 5

There's tension between Clarke and her people at Arkadia, after the uncovering of her list of the 100 who would be allowed to live in Alpha Station.

The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.