Cautious Approach - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

It looks like there is someone (or someTHING) else at Arkadia, waiting for the group. Whatever it is, Clarke is approaching it very cautiously, as Bellamy keeps a gun trained on it in the background.

Radioing for Help? - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Apparently, when everyone up and left Arkadia, they left a lot of their equipment behind. Here, Bellamy is seen holding a radio. Who is he trying to contact? Maybe Kane, who's gone with the Grounders and an imprisoned Pike to Polis?

Broken Friendships - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Remember a time when Monty and Jasper were the best of friends? That seems so far away now. After giving up trying to pull Jasper out of his trauma and depression and then joining up with Pike earlier this season, the rift between Monty and Jasper only grew wider. Now, they hardly speak. We miss their friendship!

Blake Siblings Working Together - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Along with Sinclair and Clarke, the Blake siblings are cautiously checking out Arkadia. They seem to be working together rather well, so perhaps they'll come to make amends with one another before the season is through (we hope).

Weapon Drawn - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Amidst all of this craziness with ALIE, Clarke still needs to get the flame to Luna, so false-Commander Ontari can be deposed. Clarke is a busy lady.

In The Rover - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Raven and Monty sit in the rover while the others, armed with guns, survey their surroundings. Raven is probably still recovering from her injuries after being taken over by ALIE. And we're sure Monty isn't looking to hold a gun anytime soon, after fatally shooting his own mother during "Nevermore."

Jasper Up Top - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Jasper rides along on top of the rover, handling the gun up there. He's had a tough time of it this season, but maybe after saving Raven and sort of reaching an understanding with Clarke, he's about ready to come out the other side of his pain. At the very least, he's being a much more active group member!

Packing Heat - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Bellamy and Clarke approach an abandoned Arkadia with guns drawn. What kind of "demons" will they find there?

Working Together to Defeat ALIE - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

Even though the circumstances are less than ideal, we have to admit it's pretty nice to see the original team (plus Sinclair) working together.

The Group Returns to Arkadia - The 100 Season 3 Episode 12

After saving Raven from ALIE, the group returns to Arkadia to find it completely empty. Where have all of the Sky People under ALIE's control gone? While their minds are in the City of Light, their bodies must be somewhere... right?

The Real Threat - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Amidst all of the political machinations at Arkadia and back at Polis, the true threat is in the form of ALIE. As an AI with a fundamental disconnect from humanity, ALIE threatens the lives of every single character, just by continuing to exist.

Betrayed by Mom - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Monty was outed as a traitor to Pike by his own mother. How will he come to terms with that and face her again, when the group returns to Arkadia to defeat ALIE?

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Abby: He's come a long way.
Kane: It's a work in progress.

Eighty-six days. On my last box of food, so... Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much but, anyway. Jaha, if you're seeing this that would indeed mean you are not dead, so SCREW YOU!
