Old Octavia - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Is it just me, or does Octavia look noticeably more similar to her old season 1 self than usual? Gone is most of the Grounder warpaint, the warrior clothing, and her Grounder hairstyle. What's going on with her? Is this a consequence of Lincoln's recent death, somehow?

Bellarke - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Bellamy and Clarke, together again. It's been a while since these two were last face to face and, if we remember correctly, they didn't exactly end things on a good note (namely, Bellamy handcuffed Clarke and Clarke escaped by tazing him). Can they put aside their differences and work together to help Raven?

Angry Jasper - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

The official episode synopsis notes that Jasper grows angrier. Can't saw we blame the guy. He's struggled all season, depressed and angry. He thought he'd found a solution with the City of Light, but it turns out that option's not so rosy after all.

Hanging on the Truck - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Last we saw Jasper, he was screaming at Clarke to get in the truck and driving Raven away from the swarming ALIE-brainwashed followers back at Arkadia. Where did he drive them to? What place is safe for this group?

The Cuff - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

If Niylah's still got her bracelet/cuff (scavenged from the bracelets torn off and left behind by the delinquents back in season one), that means she might be able to help with Raven's plan to deactivate the ALIE chip in her head. Is that why Niylah is around again?

Gunpoint - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Bellamy is basically a mess right now -- hated by his sister, distrusted by basically everyone in the group. Will he be willing to come around and allow Niylah, a Grounder, to help the group with Raven?

Niylah's Back! - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Can't say we expected to see Niylah again this season. She was all but forgotten after her hook-up with Clarke and wasn't mentioned once by our hero or any of the other characters who encountered her.

Bellamy vs. Niylah? - The 100 Season 3 Episode 11

Bellamy holds Niylah at gunpoint, but don't worry -- Niylah's got a machete of her own, apparently.

Standing Together - The 100 Season 3 Episode 10

Abby stands with ALIE and Jaha outside at the camp, looking on. Does this mean that she's succumbed and taken the chip?

Abby Looks at Raven - The 100 Season 3 Episode 10

Abby, tied up, sits and looks at Raven and Jackson. Are they both attempting to convince Abby to join them in the City of Light? Did Raven revert to ALIE's influence after having fought through it?

Jaha Gets Serious - The 100 Season 3 Episode 10

After his attempts to sway the Sky People toward the City of Light by means of hopeful preaching fail, Jaha moves on to more threatening means. Abby is tied up and forced to listen to his apparently-crazy ranting.

Looking Smug - The 100 Season 3 Episode 10

Jaha and ALIE look pretty pleased with themselves. Uh-oh.

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Abby: He's come a long way.
Kane: It's a work in progress.

Eighty-six days. On my last box of food, so... Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much but, anyway. Jaha, if you're seeing this that would indeed mean you are not dead, so SCREW YOU!
