Penny and Leonard Discover Paint!

Penny and Leonard discover paint in Sheldon's spot on the couch after the gang plays paintball in next week's episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Cushion Saturation."

Sheldon Lost His Seat

The gang eats Chinese food and Sheldon has nowhere to sit when his cushion seat is covered in paintball goo. We feel for your pain Sheldon.

Sheldon and Penny at the Cleaners

Sheldon and Penny head to the cleaners to try and get a paint stain out of his couch cushion. We highly doubt that's going to work.

Sheldon is Horrified

Sheldon is horrified when he finds a paint stain on his couch on next week's episode. Penny is going to get into some serious trouble for this!

Wolowitz and Winkle!

Howard Wolowitz and Leslie Winkle do the nasty on next week's episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Cushion Saturation." Really Wolowitz, Leonard's ex? That's not cool, even for you.

The Big Bang Theory Season 2 Episode 16 Quotes

Leonard: You know what baffles me Sheldon?
Sheldon: Based on your academic record, I could guess any number of things

Penny: What are we gonna do?
Leonard: We? No, no, no. You had your chance to be "we" for like a year and a half now. Right now, you are you and you are screwed.