Grief Counseling - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

If Iris does die, how will Joe and Barry ever move on? We've seen a glimpse of the future, and it does not look bright for either one of them. Maybe Barry's learned his lesson and won't make the same mistake again.

Shock and Disbelief - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Our hearts are breaking for Joe. Even though we believe Iris will somehow survive, we can't imagine how horrible it must have been for Joe to witness his little girl's death. Someone hug him right away!

Is Iris Dead? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

We know how it looks. Barry watched the love of his life die for real this time. But we've seen The Flash change time and cheat death before. Can Iris be saved? What will it cost Barry?

The Flash Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

Iris [reads future newspaper]: Iris West-Allen.
Barry: It changed back.
Joe: Does that mean what I think it means?
Barry: Yeah, Joe. The future's ours again.

Tracy: Why are you doing this?
H.R.: I couldn't be a coward. I'm not a coward.