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The Flash stars Grant Gustin and tells the story of Barry Allen, who becomes the speediest person in the world. Barry Allen was a little boy from a happy, loving family when a strange thing happened one night, resulting in the death of his mother, Nora. The police were certain her death was at the hands of Barry's father, Henry, and he went to prison.

Barry, however, knows what he saw that night and he knows that while it seems impossible, it WAS, and he spends his entire life trying to find signs of the impossible to try to vindicate his father of his mother's murder.

Barry was very excited over the STAR Labs particle accelerator going operational. He never knew that it would explode, that he would be hit by a strange accelerator-inspired lightning bolt, suffer in a coma and later awake — with strange powers. He can run over 200 mph and his body heals — a wrist fracture is completely healed three hours after it happens.

Since Barry met Oliver Queen, he believes heroism is the way to go with his new powers and Oliver backs him up with his belief that Barry was chosen because of his ability to inspire others. Find out all about it as The Flash airs on The CW.

By Dale McGarrigle

Every season, just like there are great series that get unjustly canceled, there are also meh series that somehow still receive longer lives.