It Will Be Fine - The Flash Season 4 Episode 20

After attending therapy, Iris knows Barry is hurting. The couple will take some time to refocus before embarking on the fight.

Finding the Frost - The Flash Season 4 Episode 20

With Harry losing his knowledge, he will likely be trying to help Caitlin get Killer Frost back before it's too late.

I'm Back, Guys! - The Flash Season 4 Episode 20

Gypsy is along for the ride to take down The Thinker, but will she be able to do so before anyone else is killed?

Time for War - The Flash

Cisco, Gypsy, Barry and Iris are ready for one final battle against The Thinker, but will they all survive?

Where's My Ice? - The Flash Season 4 Episode 19

Caitlin is looking for some Killer Frost, but the Thinker absorbed the persona. What will she do?

Barry Is Hurting - The Flash Season 4 Episode 19

Barry is hurting after the death of Ralph, but who manages to help him think about the positive things in life?

Siren-X At Your Service - The Flash Season 4 Episode 19

Siren-X makes her way to Star City to get revenge for what the heroes did to her planet. Will she get it?

Citizen Cold Returns - The Flash

Citizen Cold returns to help Barry on The Flash. "Fury Rogue" is the 19th episode of the show's fourth season.

The Thinker's Lair - The Flash

The team finds a way to enter The Thinker's lair on The Flash. "Lose Yourself" is the 18th episode of the show's fourth season.

Thinking With The Thinking Cap - The Flash Season 4 Episode 17

No offense to Harry Wells, but that Thinking Cap isn't looking too well on his head.

Breacher Is Back - The Flash Season 4 Episode 17

Guess who is back, back again? Breacher is back, tell a friend! Although, where is Cynthia?

Super Couple - The Flash Season 4 Episode 17

It must be Tuesday in Central City if Barry Allen and Iris West are back in Star Labs with concerned looks on their faces.

The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.