Penny Lets Marina Out of the Cage. - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Penny lets Marina out of the cage so that they can get back to Timeline 40.

Penny and Marina - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Penny and Marina are stranded and have to get back to Timeline 40.

Marina in a Cage - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Marina is in a cage, and yes it's personal because people in cages is never not personal.

Margo in Fillory - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Margo hatches a plan in Fillory to try to get the birthright wizard to speak.

Margo is at Dinner - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Margo is at dinner where she gets some alpaca milk!

Margo is a Boss - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Margo is a boss in Fillory, trying to help the talking animals and dealing with some difficult personalities.

Julia Looks at the Drunk Monster - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 6

Julia and Quentin are doing research when The Monster walks in proclaiming his love of tequila.

The Monster and Shoshana - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 5

Shoshana says she found something. The Monster confronts her.

Julia and The Monster - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 5

Julia takes The Monster to the Brakebills library where he continuously says that he doesn't like books.

Eliot and Charlton in Front of Chalkboard - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 5

Eliot and Charlton stand in front of a chalkboard with a lot of Eliot's traumatic memories.

Eliot and Charlton Look Seriously at a Chalkboard - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 5

Eliot and Charlton are looking seriously at a chalkboard which hosts all of Eliot's traumatic memories. There are way too many.

Alice Looking Serious - The Magicians Season 4 Episode 5

Alice stands in the apartment's kitchen looking very serious, because that's what Alice does.

The Magicians Season 4 Quotes

So spells are basically credit cards with automated fraud warning calls? That’s not super inspired.


Who are you? Where am I? And why does everyone in this nightmare keep calling me king? Is that even a thing?
