An Unimpressed Ralph - The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8

Ralph looks on in disgust after learning more about the past.

Holly Needs the Truth - The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8

Holly desperately need answers about what is coming her way.

Chasing Down a Killer - The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8

Ralph is determined to make sense of what is happening.

Seale on the Move - The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8

Seale is going up to a random truck, but what is his deal?

Claude on the Move - The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8

Claude is on the move, but it El Cuco really the one taking control of him?

The Next Kill - The Outsider

Everyone tries to thwart the next kill on The Outsider. "Foxhead" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.

The Outsider Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Holly: Here is what I intend to do today, by myself if I have to. If this entity, if this Cuco is in the process of becoming Claude Bolton, and your information puts him in this town, I am going to out there to try to isolate him.
Ralph: Isolate him from...
Holly: Harm. Blame.
Jeannie: Because, when it starts its killing, Claude's identity will be all over the victims.
Holly: I could be the witness who saves him from a prosecution. I could be the witness who puts a spotlight on this thing's existence, because a human being can not exist in two realities at the same time. When you discovered that footage of Terry in a hotel sixty miles away from where he was supposedly killing Frankie Peterson, it had to run, because of the reinvestigation it knew had to happen. I think it needs to stay in one place for weeks at a time after it kills to regain strength to complete the transformation, but it had to run before it was ready when it was too weak to fend for itself which is why it made a slave out of Jack.

Claude: Shouldn't you be out there working with them?
Seale: Yeah, I probably should.