The Nun Must Purge - The Purge Season 1 Episode 3

The nun weeps as she waits to Purge. What are the odds that lying in wait under that veil is a male?

Breaking In on Purge Night - The Purge Season 1 Episode 3

Some jerk is in the house of another on Purge Night. Of course. What else do we expect?

A Hero on The Purge Season 1 Episode 3

Nobody expects one of these on The Purge. Guess what it is!!

Nice Ride! - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

Winners gotta win, and what do they win? A nice, cherry ride. That's right. Will Miguel walk away a winner?

Desolation on Purge Night - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

The streets are toooo desolate on Purge Night. If America is the Purge, then where the hell is America?

Getting Down to Business on Purge Night - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

Doesn't everybody want to take at least a minute or two to do some business on Purge Night?

Cameras are Rolling - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

The cameras are rolling and everybody is watching the big show starring Miguel!

Miguel is the Star - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

Miguel discovers he's the star of the show without even knowing the was a show on which to star.

David Looking Happy - The Purge Season 1 Episode 2

David looks so very happy on Purge night waiting for his big deal to come through.

The Bettencourts - The Purge Season 1 Episode 1

Say hello again to Jemma and Nick Bettencourt, hopeful money benefactors of the devil himself.

McMansion on The Purge Season 1 Episode 1

The guests go like lemmings into the McMansion on Purge night.

Come Hither Lila - The Purge Season 1 Episode 1

Lila makes her appearance out of the smokey three-way visions and onto a staircase!

The Purge Quotes

We are the scarred, the beaten, the souls irreparably damaged, and it is that shared pain that allows us to understand each other so deeply. Tonight, that suffering ends, my darlings. I will be your guide into the invisible where there is no pain, only love. The Giving Time is near. Let us ready.

Robed Leader Woman

Mr. Bettencourt: We're making a deal with the devil, babe.
Mrs. Bettencourt: We're taking the devil's money and we're going to do great things with it.