Killer Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

See? Totally not that evolved. Even Caroline has a killer inside.

Evolved Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

I mean, she's not THAT evolved. Except she totally is. Self-deprecation is one of Caroline's superpowers.

Drama Free Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

After a five-season long string of heartbreak, Caroline isn't letting guys mess with her head anymore, you guys. (Except now there's a thing with Stefan...)

It's Damon's Fault - The Vampire Diaries

Isn't it always? We totally blame him for Caro's unlucky in love streak.

Relationship Guru - The Vampire Diaries

Maybe Caroline's weakness is that she doesn't have the best of luck in love, but it's not because she's not the perf girlfriend. She just needs to find a guy who matches her obviously superior maturity levels, like Klaus. Or Stefan.

In Control Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

If Caroline ever loses control, those moments are usually short lived. Isn't she entitled to having a moment just like everyone else? (OF COURSE SHE IS.)

Vampire Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

Even if those moody moments mean someone is probably getting eaten. (Caro's vamp face is amaze!)

Moody Caroline Forbes - The Vampire Diaries

Caroline is so in control even her moody moments are perfect.

Gossip Girl - The Vampire Diaries

Okay, okay, so sometimes she's not the best at keeping secrets, but when the secrets are as juicy as those in Mystic Falls and at Whitmore College, can you blame her?

Control Freak Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

While some may see Caro's control freak nature as a weakness, we totally dig her Type A tendencies. How else could she serve on three prom committees at once while NOT going off the rails to eat her Prom Queen competition?

Not Terrible Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

Caroline might have called herself a terrible, awful person once upon a time, but let's be real. No one believed that. Not even Miss Mystic Falls herself.

Caroline's Perfect Insults - The Vampire Diaries

Caroline Forbes is the ultimate at hurling insults at her frenemies. Klaus, Damon, even occasionally her real BFFs. No one is immune to her snark.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.