Jeremy and Bonnie - The Vampire Diaries

Theirs was a love story for the ages, unfettered by death, space, time, or any other mystical creature which threatened to separate them. Except ghosts. They didn't really fare so well when Anna started showing up again.

Jeremy Gilbert Dies - The Vampire Diaries

Too bad he kept dying (and coming back to life). One time, Bonnie had to kill him to make a spell work. Thankfully, she remembered her CPR training.

Hot Jeremy Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries

The masquerade was the moment when Bonnie started to see Jeremy as more than just Elena's little brother. Suddenly, he was "Hot Jeremy."

Jeremy Gilbert Masquerades - The Vampire Diaries

Like that time he was an integral part of taking down Katherine at the masquerade. That was also an important moment because...

Badass Jeremy Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries

No one really believed it possible but even before he became a hunter and took up the crossbow, Jeremy Gilbert had it in him to be a badass.

Jeremy Wakes Up - The Vampire Diaries

Okay, Jeremy DID try to kill himself so that he could become a vampire to be with Anna forever only to discover (eventually) that his mission on Earth was very, very different.

Jeremy and Anna - The Vampire Diaries

After Damon turned his stoner girlfriend into a vampire and Stefan had to kill her to save his life, Jeremy met another vampire who stole his heart. Can we really blame him for falling in love with Anna? No, no we cannot.

Smartass Jeremy Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries

Jeremy Gilbert is the smartass kid brother everyone secretly wishes they had. Even at his absolute worst, Elena still loves him.

Crying Jeremy Gilbert - The Vampire Diaries

Jeremy Gilbert cried. A lot. A LOT. Maybe it was the pot. Maybe it was the fact that absolutely everyone he loved kept dying on him. We may never know.

Stoner Jeremy - The Vampire Diaries

Remember when Jeremy was just a stoner in love with Vicki Donovan? He's certainly come a long way since then.

Preparing to Say Farewell - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 14

Ready to cry, Vampire Diaries fans? Elena, Stefan and Damon gather around here, preparing to say goodbye to Sheriff Forbes.

Goodbye, Jeremy - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 14

Jeremy Gilbert is leaving Mystic Falls. Next stop? Art school! We wish him luck.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.