Caroline at the Cabin

Caroline looks nice and relaxed, doesn't she? A trip to the cabin is doing her well.

Steamy Stefan

Stefan steams up the screen in this photo from The Vampire Diaries Season 5.

Trouble on TVD

Whoa there! We're at the Salvatore cabin for this scene from The Vampire Diaries.

Damon in the 60s

We're back in the 1960s with Damon in this fun flashback. It is courtesy of The Vampire Diaries episode "Man on Fire."

Damon in Leather

Damon is just standing around in this Vampire Diaries scene. But what else do you need?

Shot of Stelena

Elena and Stefan look on, seemingly confirmed, in this still from The Vampire Diaries episode "Man on Fire."

Playing Bartender

Enzo is sort of playing bartender in this look at The Vampire Diaries. It is from the episode "Man on Fire."

Help with Liv

Someone help! Bonnie tends to Liv in this scene from The Vampire Diaries Season 5.

A Bloody Witch

Down goes Liv! In a heap of blood? This is a photo from The Vampire Diaries episode "Man on Fire."

Liv with Bonnie

The tables have turned on Bonnie when it comes to Liv. She's now the one giving lessons.

A Witch Conference

Bonnie confers here with Liv. The latter isn't exactly her protege after all.

Elena in the Kitchen

Elena wakes up with a cup of coffee in this sweet, simple photo from The Vampire Diaries episode "Resident Evil."

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.