Off to Find Elena

Damon drives, and Stefan sit shotgun, on the episode "Rose," as the brothers set off to find Elena and bring her home.

Ready for Battle

The men are ready to take down Katherine on the episode "Masquerade." They look ready for battle, don't they?

A Dance with Katherine

Don't be fooled, folks. Stefan isn't dancing with Elena here. That's Katherine.

The Salvatore Siblings

What could be on the minds of Stefan and Damon here? Our best guess: the death of Katherine.

Damon with Bonnie

Damon does not look at all pleased with Bonnie in this photo, does he? We wonder if these two will ever hook up.

Taunting Stefan

Katherine attends a Masquerade Ball with Stefan on the aptly-titled episode "Masquerade." She seems to be taunting the vampire in this scene.

Suspicious Scene

Look at Damon in the background of this scene. He sure looks suspicious, doesn't he?

Katherine at the Ball

Katherine is on the prowl on the episode "Masquerade." Most people at the party think she's Elena.

That's Katherine!

Careful, residents of Mystic Falls. This is Katherine, not Elena, attending a party on the episode "Masquerade."

Preparing to Kill

Damon and Alaric are ready to kill. They plot to take down Katherine on the episode "Masquerade."

Pair of Vampires

Caroline is coming into her own as a vampire. Even Damon has to be impressed by how strong she's become.

Stud in a Suit

Damon looks downright dashing in this shot from "Masquerade." The vampire sure knows how to dress up, doesn't he?

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Quotes

He kissed Katherine, not me. I wouldn't do that.

Elena [to Stefan]

Katherine wants you dead, there's zero you can do about it. You will be dead.
