Billy Quizboy Picture

A picture of Master Billy Quizboy of the Venture Bros fame. Billy was born William Whalen and considers himself a quiz master and a boy still.

Henchman 24 In Costume

A picture of Henchman 24 wearing his Monarch henching uniform. It's how we want to remember him always.

Henchman 21 In Costume

A picture of Henchman 21 fully decked out on his Monarch butterfly costume. Henchman 21 is normally seen with his partner-in-crime 24.

Pete White Picture

A picture of Pete White on the Venture Bros. Mr. White is a friend of Dr. Venture's and an owner of Conjectural Technologies.

Triana Orpheus Picture

A picture of Dr. Orpheus' daughter and poor little Dean's crush, Triana Orpheus. Despite her goth-like appearance, Triana is a pretty normal teenager daughter... of a necromancer.

Molotov Cocktease Picture

A picture of Molotov Cocktease, the leader of the organization of women known as the Blackhearts.

Dr. Orpheus Picture

A picture of Dr. Orpheus, the necromancer who sublets space in the Venture compound from Dr. Venture. He's a good friend to have living around with his powerful magic and cute daughter.

Dr. Girlfriend Picture

A picture of Dr. Girlfriend, the Monarch's girlfriend. Well now she's actually married to him and known as Dr. Mrs. The Monarch. Only on Venture Bros.

Baron Ãœnderbheit Picture

A picture of Baron Ãœnderbheit, one of Dr. Venture's former friends and now arch enemy. He used to rule over Ãœnderland and now he's kind of homeless.

Dr. Venture In His Sights

Sgt Hatred is looking to shoot some Nazis in order to save Dr. Venture. What a nice nemesis gone bodyguard.

The Nazis and the Doctor

The Nazis go to the same doctor that hunter once used to get the soul of Hitler placed in a dog. Yeah, weird.

Nikki Nightgown Concept Illustration

Ready to see a new female lead on Venture Brothers? Here's your chance with concept illustrations of Nikki Nightgown.

Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers