Alfred Tall - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Tall version of Alfred on his throne. The Revelation is the eleventh episode of the series' fifth season.

Smirk Tall - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Tall version of Ivar smirking. The Revelation is the eleventh episode of the series' fifth season.

Smirk - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Ivar's smirk is enough to terrify anyone. The way he sits there so calmly with whatever plan is forming in his head could send chills down your spine.

Torvi - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Torvi and Bjorn might be over, but she's still a fierce warrior who will fight by his and Lagertha's side against Ivar. She'll protect her home and children at all costs.

Queen Judith - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Queen Judith stands by her son Alfred's side as she helps him navigate ruling Wessex as their King.

Back Turned - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Whatever Lagertha and Bjorn were talking about, Bjorn doesn't appear to like what he's heard. He has his back turned to his mother. Will he stand by her side or continue his exploration?

Hvitserk and Margrethe - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Hvitserk continues his infatuation with Margrethe. She continues to manipulate the Lothbrok brothers to advantage. She's already managed to get herself freed from slavery. What will she accomplish next?

Ivar Leads the Charge - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Ivar the Boneless is leading the charge as he takes his men into what will surely be an epic battle. His fearless leadership and ruthlessness has helped him win his crown, but will he keep it?

Bishop Heahmund - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

After being taken prisoner and forced to fight in the Vikings Civil War, it looks like Bishop Heahmund has made his way back home, standing alongside Aethelred.

Alfred - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

While Ivar has claimed the throne in Kattegat, King Alfred leads the Saxons. We can probably expect some epic battles between the two very different leaders.

Plan B - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Lagertha lost her throne and she, Bjorn, and Ubbe had to retreat. That doesn't mean they're going to give up though. Lagertha and Bjorn are most likely planning something to take down Ivar.

Rollo and Ivar - Vikings Season 5 Episode 11

Rollo sits across from Ivar, who has taken his place as the new King of Kattegat. Are they, along with Hvitserk,v forming an alliance against Lagertha?

Vikings Season 5 Quotes

Ivar: Stay. We need you just as much as my father needed you, but instead you choose to run away, you coward.
Floki: Stand up and say that to my face.

Floki: I have to leave Ivar. With Helga gone, there's nothing left for me here. This world no longer interests me. That's why I must submit myself to the tides, and the winds, and the will of the gods. Come what may.
Ivar: My heart is broken.
Floki: It will repair.