The Morning After - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7

Betty and Jughead are reuniting after their recent troubles. Could "Bughead" finally be back on track?

Creepy Driver - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7

It's a late night ride for Jughead. But why is he out and about this late at night?

Late Night Ride - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7

Why does Jughead look worried in the passenger seat? Where is he going?

Skulls - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 6

Who is the mysterious long-time rival of the Southside Serpents? Jughead and Archie don't look too excited to meet him.

Serpent Territory - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 6

Jughead sought out advice from his father to handle the alliance situation. Will FP's advice work?

Riverdale Battlefield Season 2 Episode 6

Trouble has reached new heights in town. Mayor McCoy is threatening to escalate the drama happening between North and South Riverdale.

Race To The Finish - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 6

Time is ticking down for Archie and Jughead to save the day. Will they achieve a miracle?

Dangerous Alliances - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 6

With tensions rising in Riverdale, the Southside Serpents are willing to do anything, including agreeing to a deal with a long-time rival.

Keeping The Peace - Riverdale

Jughead and Archie are stuck in the middle of a growing war between the two sides of Riverdale. Will the best friends have to fight each other?

Bughead Secrecy - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4

Betty and Jughead have been keeping a few secrets from each other. There could be trouble in paradise if they don't start sharing soon.

Codebusters - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 4

Jughead, Betty, Kevin and Toni are teaming up to solve the latest puzzle sent by The Black Hood. Will they solve it?

Is Jughead Fighting With The Serpents? - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 5

Jughead is standing with the other Southside Serpents. Is he joining the fight too? Has he changed?

Cole Sprouse Quotes

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.

Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
