Laura Jean's Secret

Laura Jean has a secret that finally comes out and Dawn learns the truth on Secrets in the Morning

Older Lover - Secrets of the Morning

Dawn gets hot and heavy with her music instructor at her school, Michael Sutton, who is older than her and has ulterior motives.

No Sexytimes- Secrets of the Morning

Dawn is annoyed when Jimmy won't sleep with her before he ships out to Europe in Secrets of the Morning.

Delivering Shocking News - Secrets of the Morning

Dawn must deliver some shocking news to Michael Sutton and she works up the nerve to do it in V.C.Andrews Secrets of the Morning.

Jimmy Enlists- Secrets of the Morning

Dawn learns that Jimmy has enlisted in the Army and is leaving during V.C. Andrews' Secrets of the Morning.

A Lothario- Secrets of the Morning

Joey McIntyre plays self-centered broadway star and lothario, Michael Sutton, in V.C. Andrews' Secrets of the Morning.

Tricia Poses- Secrets of the Morning

Corey Woods stars as Tricia, Dawn's roommate and friend during V.C. Andrews' Secrets of the Morning.

Agnes Eavesdrops - Secrets of the Morning

Agnes eavesdrops on Dawn and her roommate during V.C. Andrews' Secrets of the Morning on Lifetime.

Thirsty for His "Sister" - V.C. Andrews' Dawn

Khobe Clarke stars as Jimmy Longchamp in V.C. Andrews' Dawn, who discovers he has feelings for the girl who was raised as his sister.

Philip Cutler - V.C. Andrews' Dawn

Dane Schioler stars as the rich and problematic Philip Cutler, Dawn's crush-turned-brother in V.C. Andrews' Dawn

Pretty in Pigtails - V.C. Andrews' Dawn

Clara Jean (Elyse Maloway) is pretty in pigtails as she reigns supreme at the fancy rich school in Dawn.

The Cutler Women (Tall) - V.C. Andrews' Dawn

Elyse Maloway and Donna Mills star as Clara Jean and Lillian Cutler in V.C. Andrews' Dawn, part one in the Cutler Saga.

Movie Review Quotes

Mrs. Thompson: When someone violates you, it's never your fault.
Robin: I should have done something.
Mrs. Thompson: You did. You survived.

It's one of the great mysteries of life. You never know quite what's going to happen next.
