TTAH Co-stars

Jake Borelli of Grey's Anatomy and newcomer Niko Terho star on Freeform's romcom The Thing About Harry.

Game Night with the Gang

Harry and Sam particpate in a game night with their group of friends on Freeform's The Thing About Harry.

Sam waits - The Thing About Harry

Sam (Jake Borelli) is waiting on something or someone on Freeform's Valentine's Day romantic comedy The Thing About Harry.

Impatiently Waiting - Tall

Sam (Jake Borelli) is impatiently waiting for Harry on Freeform's romantic comedy The Thing About Harry.

Stasia the Bestie

Stasia (Britton Baron) stars in The Thing About Harry as Sam's best friend Stasia, a fun and fiery commitmentphobe.

The Thing About Harry Cast

The stars and creator, director, and writer of The Thing About Harry, Freeform's first queer romantic comedy.

Peter Paige

Peter Paige directed, wrote, and starred as Casey on Freeform's romantic comedy The Thing About Harry.


Paul is played by Karamo Brown on Freeform's Valentine's Day Romantic Comedy The Thing About Harry..

Sam and Paul - Tall

Sam (Jake Borelli) spends some quality time with Paul (Karamo Brown) on Freeform's The Truth About Harry.

Sam Texts

Sam is sending out some text messages and looking for companionship on Freeform'sThe Thing About Harry.

Shade Throwing Sam

Sam is not above throwing some shade when he feels the need on Freeform's romcomThe Thing about Harry.


Stasia (Britt Baron) is the straight sidekick to Jake Borelli's Sam on Freeform's The Thing About Harry.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.