Billy - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Tony Girox stars as Billy, Suzy's high school crush who she joins forces with to save their community center.

The Christmas Setup Cast

Chad Connell (Aidan), Ben Lewis (Hugo), Fran Drescher (Kate), Blake Lee (Patrick Ryan), and Ellen Wong (Maddie) star in The Christmas Setup about Hugo and Patrick finding love.

The Spencer Brothers - The Christmas Setup

Hugo (Ben Lewis) and Aidan (Chad Connell) spend some time together and with their mother for the first time since they were kids.

Hugo's Girls - The Christmas Setup

The ladies in Hugo's life, his mother, Kate (Fran Drescher), and his best friend Maddie (Ellen Wong) meddle in his love life.

Tree Struggles - The Christmas Setup

Hugo and Patrick struggle to get Kate's perfect tree into the Spencer home during their first meeting in years.

Aidan and Maddie - The Christmas Setup

Hugo wasn't the only Spencer who found love. His brother Aidan (Chad Connell) found love with Hugo's best friend Maddie (Ellen Wong) to Kate's delight.

Spencer Hug - The Christmas Setup

Kate (Fran Drescher) hugs her sons (Ben Lewis, Chad Connell) after a successful event and a beautiful gift.

Hugo Makes His Case - The Christmas Setup

Hugo (Ben Lewis) makes his case for why he should be a partner at his law firm before he heads home for the holidays.

Besties Forever - The Christmas Setup

Hugo (Ben Lewis) and his best friend Maddie (Ellen Wong) are so close that they're mistaken for a couple.

Saving the Train Station - The Christmas Setup

Hugo (Ben Lewis) looks into the past of the neighborhood's founder in hopes of finding something to save the train station.

More Decorations - The Christmas Setup

Patrick asks Hugo out on a date when he shows up at the Spencer home with Kate's requested decorations.

Tough News - The Christmas Setup

Kate (Fran Drescher) is thrilled to have her son back home with her, but she finds out that he has a job offer in another country.

TV Movie Quotes

Real Estate Agent: Between you and me, this is the first time I've shown this place in a month. So you can get this place for a steal.
Vincent: My favorite way of getting things.

It's one of the great mysteries of life. You never know quite what's going to happen next.
