Mimi - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Lillian Lim stars as Mimi, Suzy's mother, who has her heart set on her daughter finding love and runs a restaurant.

Marshall - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Suzy is competing with another colleague, Marshall, for a huge account and promotion at her architecture company.

Yung Men - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Suzy's brother and her father (Tzi Ma) star in A Sugar and Spice Holiday when Suzy returns home and spends time with her family.

Family Dinner - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Suzie and Billy spend time with Suzie's family, the Yungs, and have a meal together when she brings him home.

Suzy - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Jacky Lai stars as Suzy Yung, an architect who returns home to help save her town's community center by winning a baking competition.

Enjoying a Homemade Meal - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Billy (Tony Giroux) fits in perfectly with the Yung family when he joins them for a family lunch and enjoys all of Mimi's food.

Sexy Baking - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Jacky Lai and Tony Giroux star as romantic interests Suzy and Billy, who team up together for a baking competition.

Baking with Nema - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Cindy Piper stars as the beloved Nema, Suzy's grandmother, who she baked with as a child and whose memory she's keeping alive.

Dad Comforts Suzy - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Suzy's father comforts her as she struggles with her job and something that happens between her and Billy.

Rival Team - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Suzy, Billy, and their bake team have their work cut out for them if they want to win against the fan favorites.

Two Peas in a Pod - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Tony Giroux and Jacky Lai star as former high school crushes who team up for a baking competition to save their community center.

Billy the Baker - A Sugar & Spice Holiday

Tony Giroux stars as Billy, a kind jokester who bakes bread and helps Suzy out because of his love for her.

TV Movie Quotes

Real Estate Agent: Between you and me, this is the first time I've shown this place in a month. So you can get this place for a steal.
Vincent: My favorite way of getting things.

It's one of the great mysteries of life. You never know quite what's going to happen next.
