Deeks: Sometimes you got to ask your WWCD: What would Columbo do?

If Harry Potter can flash his wand in Equus, we should be able to show off our undies without punishment.


I'm hoping now that we're all in this together.


Brianna, we are the arbiters of this gift, but we cannot say who lives and who dies or else we'll save the lives of all of our loved ones.


Park: We are able to get all the cancer and Riley's prognosis is good.
Shaun: But he's not our big concern. The cells on your son's tonsils were cervical cancer cells.
Riley's mother: My son had cervical cancer? That doesn't make any sense.

Angela: By old physical therapist you mean the hot 26-year-old?
Hodgins: Wait, was she hot? I didn't notice.
Angela: That's why you were always showing her how strong your core was getting?

I want to take a moment to thank the man who taught us how to have Fridays at Dillon High again, our own Coach Taylor.


Rios: How many?
Raffi: Uh, two hundred and eighteen Warbirds.
Rios: Ah. Two hundred and eighteen. That's not so bad.
Raffi: True, you really only have to worry about the first hundred and nine.

Benson: You do know I'm on Monica's side.
Lawyer: I do. But I can be louder. And more effective.

I should go clean out my locker...she said at the age of 33.


So you finally see the beast behind the man. Maybe you can understand why I'm not rushing to Hades with open arms.


My mom’s other kids are dead to her after this Sak’s trip.
